No need to break out the umbrella and rain boots!  you don't have to leave the house to enjoy them! 
The Fashionista
For the designer
For smiles and color
The vintage hunter
If you want some new reading material
For the crafty one
Remember when you pinkie swore you would be best friends forever?

I think we've all done it. 

Giggling children unable to see how we could ever be separated. 

we promised
I promised.

I have promised before.
I have stopped promising.

Best Friends Forever.

That phrase has a lot of weight in it.. 

Sadly not as much now as it did then. Probably because of the lack of faith that it holds. There is no belief. We don't have the same amount of trust in that phrase any more. 
The words "Best Friend" can mean very little when we have been abandoned by many, left for someone who gave them what they wanted, or just simply because we grew apart.

Just like a person who grew up without a father. How can the word Father have any meaning when they have no standard to hold it to? How can the words Best Friends Forever have any meaning to us when we forever look for the standard & are met with lacking expectations.

There are quotes that touch us
moments that scar us, 
& people who rest in our hearts forever. 
But it's hard to have a best friend forever in the adult world. 

It seems to me that life has a way of throwing certain people together for key times in life, & then when its over....when you have either learned the lesson or chosen to ignore find yourself torn apart. Though painful sometimes, I believe fully that most of these unions & desertions are for our benefit. 

We would not fully rely on The One who saves us if we had a person to go to for every problem. 

I love my husband & call him my best friend often. However....He can not compare to the real lover of my soul. 

The Friend who is always there. 

I can call on him at 3 am. 

I can talk to him in the shower, 

He doesn't need me to give him anything but my time, & since there is no place or time he won't agree to meet me. . . 

I have no excuse but to respond. 

No excuse not to try
No excuse not to give him my heart.
No excuse to tell him all my deepest feelings

No reason not to commit-
to the true best friendship I have ever encountered. 

To him....I would promise...Best Friends Forever.

Peace, Love, and Blessings


Here are a few of my favorite items on etsy right now!

The artists below have some AMAZINGLY quirky characters drawn on all kinds of clothing articles. I WANT THEM ALL. no seriously. I would wear all of these.

 ZIB* features the work of Inga Priedite and Irena Andrejeva. They are two young Latvian textile artists. "We put a little art into everyday clothing." 

In my own opinion it is not a little art, but the entire article is ART. I LOVE THEM.
In another group of photos in the slideshow below, there are the rest of my LOVES from etsy this week! Im putting links embedded in the photos so feel free to click and see the webpages for these specific items!

I spent all day, at the beach yesterday. 
Walking up & down the dunes, searching for buried treasures in the sand.
I was very excited to see sea glass, & TONS of driftwood. 
I had a strong desire to build a fire right there on the beach, but sadly beach fires are a no no. 

I have to say there were quite an abnormal amount of thoughts about life in my head yesterday. I had so many images in my head, from the waves on the shore, to the dilapidated beach houses lining the streets in faded colors that had lost their original shade due to the sand and salt in the air. The chunks of rock lining the shore & seashells littering the sand gave me thoughts about the way that life is never in control. No matter how often I trick myself into believing that I am in control of what's happening, I am never EVER in control. 

Life just happens. 

Sometimes, things happen & we can't control it. 
We have to work around our issues, those things that forever seem to threaten to impale our dreams & crash them on the rocks. I have issues, my marriage has issues, my husband has issues, but we are a team. We work through them. We acknowledge the problem, & move on. We can't let our issues rule our lives. 

Some people who read this, will not fully understand what issues I am talking about, only those who know me....can understand. Only those who are friends or close family, can grasp what issues we have. 

But sometimes, there are moments when you just feel like sharing everything with those around you. & this is one of those. 
All I can say right now is that you should NEVER assume the worst of someone, & you should never participate in spreading harmful rumors. Maybe one of these days I will share our story. Maybe soon. I believe we have one that needs telling. & I think the world will be a better place if I tell it. We will wait & see, I'm waiting for God's timing. 

Everyone you meet is fighting their own battle. You can't always see the outcome of your choices. But you can work hard to be happy in them. 

I love my life, I love my husband, & I love being married.

There are hard moments, wonder-filled days, & I don't want to's along the way. That does not mean that we stop where we are. In fact the only thing that keeps me going is change.

 There are times when we  need that crash upon the rocks. That moment when the waves come in, go over our heads, get salt in our eyes, & make things hard to see. 

We have to have moments of uncertainty to get to the moments where we can look back & say that we are glad we made those decisions because they helped grow us & change us in to who we are today. 

ALL glory to God the Father

-Jessica Wallace.
Festival Season is hard upon us! If you are planning on visiting any of the MANY festivals across North America, you want to make sure you are ready to head out for the day!

whether you plan an all day trip or a weekend getaway. Having a place to sit inside out of the sun can mean the difference between sweating your makeup off or staying fabulously good looking. Free people has a tent that is amazing both in looks and in color! At it's steep price for a two person sleeping area, its relatively small for what you get. But come on, how many tents have you seen with adorable flowers on the outside and could possibly provide tons of photographic opportunities for years of summers to come? As a photographer i don't know if i could pass this up. I looked up tutorials of examples to see if anyone has tried this before, but online came up with NOTHING Grrrr. I'm all for making cheaper versions of things but it looks like your stuck with the original unless i find a 10$ tent for sale and attempt my best at the flower replicas. 

Another thing to be sure to invest in, although at a greatly lesser price range.Is a festival survival kit. Free People has one that includes many necessary items.  
click image for link to Free People!
The fest survival kit includes a dry shampoo powder, and a sea salt hair spray. A bandanna that has been hand bleached, and two unique hair-ties  A lanyard to hold all your goodies and a temporary feather tattoo. And it all comes in a hand dyed bag UNIQUE with every purchase! 

Being the oldest is something I was born to be, Firstborn came with some pretty lofty expectations. First to walk, talk, grow up, go through puberty, get my licence, drive, work, get married, & move out. not necessarily in that order.  But being the oldest you get a lot of first experiences. And you carry a HUGE weight to not stumble, or let your siblings fall. 

I knew how to say yes ma'am to mom & dad so that even if they said something I did not agree with I would be able to stop a lecture instead of starting one. I knew how to ask for things in the way that usually ended up in me getting them, & I knew that sometimes mom & dad would just say I just settled for not asking. 

I always thought I would make mom & dad proud in everything I did, being a massive people-pleaser.  But somewhere along the way I struck out on my own & did things of my own accord....Even now something my own mother told me is stuck in my head reminding me that being yourself & being happy with that is what matters....."I'm really glad you didn't wait until you were almost 40 to figure out who you were & what you wanted. I'm glad that you figured it out & you chose what was right for you." Even if I feel like I let them down in a lot of my decisions, or that I was not the ideal guinea pig firstborn....I remember that my mom is proud of the fact that I was strong enough to strike out on my own.

My brother Joshua was the explorer. Always trying to push his limits and figure out what he could and couldn't change. He is still to this day, exploring. He has moved the furthest away so far, Austin Texas, while not really all that far further from our parents than any of us have gone thus far.  

Rebecca,she was the smiling child. My sister, the one who would always be the envy in photographs. She is gorgeous. LOOK AT HER. Her smile just pulls you in, she is the golden child. Nothing Becca did was wrong. It's still that way, she is the one I feel like has the weight of the world on her shoulders, the weight of my parents approval, because I let them down in too many a way. 

Solomon is the baby, so cute, so adorable, innocent in any & everything. We would send him to ask for what we wanted on a daily basis because mom always told him yes. He is still the baby, protected & at home, he will be 17 this year. It's crazy to think that we all grew up so fast. 

when I look at the photos of when we were young I can see that scared apprehensive look on my face, while still smiling, I was always thinking about what was going to happen next. My mind always on the present. never on the long term. I was all mind works. Always thinking. thoughts are filling my head even now. But in the photos of yesterday....I am carefree, I have changed in many ways.

Being a sister, that is the real weight I will always carry. I am the only example she has, the one who has been through the same things, the same moves, I have the same background as she. We come from the same cloth. She a bit more vibrant & Me with secret compartments.Each of my moves contemplated with her in mind. 
The quote ..................................

“Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer.” 
― Louise Glück 

is very true of me & my sister, I will always be the watcher, the one who contemplates all of the moves her sister makes & watches as she dances her way through life charming everyone she meets. With her smile, her grace, & her kindness.

It's not often that we love someone enough to die for them, It's not often that we know that we would. But I know without a doubt I would give my whole life if it would make hers better. 

When we are together her creative mind it melds with my own & we inspire one another to be more than we dreamed. She is a fabulous student, & while I was not, she is the only thing making me want to go back to school. She inspires me to be more than I ever was. I can only dream that I have taught her to shine, & shown her that in this crazy world there will always be a safe place for her to call home, & that is wherever I am. 

Rebecca, if you ever read this....know that I am so proud of you, & NOTHING you do will ever change that, you are something to be proud of simply because you are my sister. You are me....only different. YOU are my best friend. I can say that because I know I will always have you.

Yesterday 4-7-2013

“A young lady's most natural ally is her sister."
― Anna Godbersen
"she is my sister. Parents die, daughters grow up and marry out, but sisters are for life. She is the only person left in the world who shares my memories of our childhood, our parents, our struggles, our sorrows, and, yes, even our moments of happiness and triumph. My sister is the one person who truly knows me, as I know her." -Lisa See
23 and 19 years of age
“Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.” 
― Carol Saline

You know who that person's the one, who when you come to work and see that they are there you sigh.....


This person challenges you daily.
(& by challenges you I of course mean that they push your buttons until you feel like you are about to scream at them

Around this person you find yourself tensing up, hair on your neck raising, & your mind wheels begin turning with all the horrible things you could do if you wouldn't lose your job. 

Or maybe you just really want to tell them off. You've had a rough week, there are so many more important things going on in YOUR life....why does the joy sucker even think you care?

But your work day ends just in time thankfully, leaving you looking like the calm radiant example. 

I have a Joy Sucker in my workplace 
In fact I was praying about this joy sucker yesterday.... walking through my workday realizing I was getting overwhelmed and upset way too easily. so I took a minute as I filled a bowl of soup and prayed. 

"Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST, please help me today, my patience is thin, & I am getting overly upset with the joy sucker. I can not take much more. "

NOW. there are a few flaws in my prayer. 
first, there's my attitude towards said person.
second, my exasperation towards my Jesus.
third, "I can not take much more".

I can admit, that there are times when I take God's name and put far too bad an emphasis behind it. 
I can admit that I get frustrated with my situations. 
I can even admit that I NEVER have to handle things alone. Too often though, I choose to try. 
What I found hard to admit.....was what that still small voice put into my thoughts at that moment. 

YOU ....are the joy sucker.

My anger flashing, my mind reeling, I dismissed the thought. 

Me the JOY SUCKER ha ha PRICELESS, I thought to myself.

But I revisited the thought as I sat in the salon chair later that day. I let my entire attitude at work just overwhelm me. I felt horrible, I was rude, I was short, I was unjustifiable, I was complaining, I was unhappy. I really was the Joy Sucker.


Not me....I was in reality the bane of my very existence, I had become the very person I despised. I felt guilt ridden for the rest of the afternoon. 

Until I spoke with my husband who made me realize I could let go.
He made me think about this verse..... because I all too often fight God for control. I all too often think I know what is best. 
 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Comparison really is the thief of joy they don't say who's joy is being stolen. The reason being I think, because in reality I was taking not only my looking at what the other person was doing, but I was sucking my own joy. & everyone else's, with how angry I had become.  

I am so happy that God blessed me by teaching me a lesson about this yesterday. Because I needed a kick in the pants, I needed to get back to being a joy giver. 

JOY be given to YOU and YOURS through HIM!

Jessica Smith Wallace


I've been playing the new One Republic album Native over & over today. 

The song "You've Got Something I Need" has been stuck in my head, mostly because it's so true. 

There are so many things that we need, not just anyone can give them to us either. 

Every single person on this earth is different than me, 

We walk in different circles, we live different styles of life. 

We may have similarities, but still.....those similarities can create any range of diversity.

You may be many of these things.... you might be Straight, Gay, Christian, Atheist, Asian, African -American, coach seat buyers, only first class fliers, dr. pepper sippers, coca-cola drinkers, alcoholics, druggies, high all the time, sober as a stone, pro- abortion, pro-choice, liberal, conservative, glass half full, glass half empty, pro-bama, no-bama, guns are good, or guns are bad....there is something we can all learn from one another. 

We all hold special gifts & talents, you all know how to do things that I don't & you all have seen life through your own pair of eyes. You have something I need

This is why it is so vital that we share, fellowship, & talk with one another. 
We share experiences, life stories, different quotes, laughter, sadness, lessons we have learned.... 
& whether we want to or not....we are always giving things to others. 

I am constantly giving you things whether I realize it or not. 

If I share my smile, I give you a reason to smile back. 

I share hardships & I give you a decision.... will you take it as a reason to work on compassion or selfishness? 

A friend walks up & is having a hard day, do you take the time necessary to build up & encourage that friend or do you begin talking about your own life & how things are going great for you? 

All it takes is a little awareness. I hope i have given you some of that today. I hope that I had something you need...

"If we only die once, I want to die with you. 
I know that we are not the same, but I'm so damn glad that we made it to this time." -one republic

Happy Easter